Many centering prayer groups include lectio divina as part of their program. During the coronavirus crisis we are offering Centering Prayer By Video twice a week, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 7 pm EST, and we usually include a lectio divina in our program. Subscribe here to join us.

View recordings of Centering Prayer By Video, which usually include a lectio divina, here.

Visit The Meditation Chapel to find a wide array of other online groups, many of which include lectio divina.

Contemplative Outreach is a good resource for further information on Lectio Divina.

Find a program for a centering prayer group that includes lectio divina here.

Find a program for practicing centering prayer and lectio divina by yourself here.

Experience Visio Divina, a form of divine seeing, using an image rather than a text, here.

I recommend the website Abbey of the Arts, which offers lectio divina online, good instructions for lectio, and a course on lectio divina.

For about five years I was regularly providing passages for Lectio Divina Online.  I am not currently updating these passages, but they are still available online for your use.  They provide a selection of short sacred readings from Judeo-Christian scripture, poems, and spiritual readings.

At one time for about six months I created a daily one to three minute video inspired by lectio divina in which I chant brief passages from the New York Times and the psalms. News of the World Lectio Divina can be found on Youtube and Facebook and there is more information about this practice on my website here.  These videos provide a good practice for integrating contemplative prayer with everyday life.